Governor heaps praise on Rensselaer's Indiana Face Mask - Indiana Face Mask

Governor heaps praise on Rensselaer's Indiana Face Mask

“They stepped up and jumped through all the hoops and applied federally to be licensed to make N95 masks. Out of thousands of submissions, they were one of five in the nation that was approved. We’re pretty proud of that and wanted to say congratulations to the family, to all the employees, all the teammates, to Fred and Stephanie and Clayton Geyer for their perseverance and answering the call.” Gov. Eric Holcomb

INDIANAPOLIS — Gov. Eric Holcomb singled out a Rensselaer business for doing all it can for healthcare workers during the pandemic.

Indiana Face Mask, which is located on State Road 114 in the old Greene’s Furniture Store, is in the process of producing N95 masks and other medical-grade supplies to aid in the COVID response effort.

The business opened this summer and plans to employ over a dozen workers.

Holcomb recognized Indiana Face Mask during his weekly news conference from Indianapolis on Wednesday. (see quote above)

Founded by Fred Geyer, together with his wife, Stephanie, and their son Clayton, Indiana Face Mask transformed a vacant, 25,360-square-foot building in Rensselaer — the old Greene’s Furniture building on State Road 114 — into a federally-approved, personal protective equipment (PPE) production facility.

The building is fully operational and will allow Indiana Face Mask to meet increased demand for N95 masks and other vital PPE.

“They’re not only going to produce millions, which is very comforting in and of itself, but this is one of the stories where they’re hiring 14 more people to come help,” Holcomb said. “That’s a win-win-win.”

N95 masks are tight-fitting, cup-shaped face masks primarily used in health care and industrial settings to protect workers against the spread of respiratory diseases such as the COVID-19 virus. At full capacity, the company expects to manufacture 17 million N95, Class 1 and Class 3 surgical masks annually, according to The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC), which highlighted the business in a press release lately.

Read the full article on Kankakee Valley Post News by Harley Tomlinson!

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